Dr Who teach me how to "time travel"

1 minute read time.

How does he do it? I seem to have lost almost 2 years and can not find the answers anywhere!!

Since diagnosis to now we have had 1 nightmare after another, hence not realising that the weeks and months have passed us by.

End of September 2011 was biopsy time, October was Neck disection and tonsil removal.

Just to run alongside this we were moving our Business to new premises. Not a good idea!

Anyhow we managed by the skin of our teeth, dearly beloved decided that all was not going to go as easily as it could, his neck wound just would not heal, numerous visits to A & E, 1 resulting with me passing out and ended up on a bed alongside him......(I hadn't eaten all day, it was late in the afternoon and it was extremly hot in the unit, nothing to do with the muck and open wound in his neck).

His RT was not able to start until the wound had healed so in my infinate wisdom I booked a week in Portugal the beginning of January to help with rest and recuperation................if only I had known when I booked it what I was getting us into....more to follow

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jackie.   Sounds like you have been in for a rough time with it all and it's no wonder that you don't know where the time has got to .... there were moments during my treatment for floor of mouth cancer which went much the same. However, I do so hope that things have improved for you both and your Beloved's neck has healed enough for the radiotherapy to start .... and perhaps finish ? Take care and all best wishes.

    Joycee x