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I'm surprised at the shock I feel at being diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus and ashamed at how sorry for myself I feel. My world has stopped, yet all around me life goes on as if nothing has happened. My brother remains too busy to pop round and he still does't respond to phone messages. I want someone to hold me but there is no-one.

I have my positive moments but most of the time I'm scared to death.

  • FormerMember

    Harveysmiles, seems like you haven't got a lot to smile about!

    You didn't say when you were diagnosed, I found out on the 8th September I had lung cancer and then how bad it was on the 15th.

    I know it's a nightmare, feels to me like I been hit for six by a train, sometimes it's unbelievable and they got the wrong man, think the phones going to ring and a nurse tells me there has been a mix up with patients records and they confused me with someone else.

    My brother has actually started to talk to me again, first time since April. I worry more for my mum, we lost our dad in November 2008 to cancer and she went to hell and back during his treatment, operation and death, after 46 years of marriage that's not surprising and now she's got to re-live it all over again.

    When your life seems shattered and all around people are getting on with theirs, you can feel lonely or angry or a whole array of emotions, the diagnosis alone can throw up a mixture of emotions. Sometimes that's people's way of coping with things, friends and family can sometimes be scared to talk about the dreaded "c" word as if it's taboo.

    I'm new here but I know there are people that care who are close to you and now on here too, people can talk more openly here, they have first hand experience of living with cancer either as a patient or carer and many of them have gone through the same feelings as you.

    You definitely are not selfish and you definitely aren't alone.

    If it wasn't for the fact I'd get arrested, I would come and hold you right now.

    I hope you get plenty more positive moments and if you are feeling scared, think of this place. I joined the chat rooms last week and people are really understanding, helpfull and friendly.

    Please, don't feel scared, nobody should feel scared and if you do then talk to somebody.

    I hope everything works out for you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey, I am sending you lots of hugs,when i heard the word cancer i was shocked and scared ,this can't be happening to me but it was.I walked round in a daze for a few days,then someone told me about this site and i joined up.People here gave me loads of support and advice and joining was the best thing i did, hope you get all the suppport you need .

    Best wishes   Sue   xx

  • FormerMember

    Welcome Harvey and be prepared for friendship and support...love Carol x ps...sending a cyber hug to you from Cornwall

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey

    Welcome to the Mac Family, it good that you feel ready to be so open with your emotions - we really have been there so when we say we understand - we do!.

    You will find Information, Support, genuine love and concern now you are part of the community. Sorry your Brother has not responded yet - but cancer is even more scary to thoses who know nothing about it. We can help to dispell some of the myths and help you through the darker moment, we are even here when you just need someone to listen to your rant. - so please use us.

    I assume you must have a great sense of humour too.  You still managed to called yourself Harvey after your Rabbits !!  - Lol

    Hugs Mate

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    hi harvey, one rule on this site is never say sorry its not necessary,

    you must be terrified, but this site is amazing with lots of support and wonderful people, anyone of us or many of us will be here for you , whether is on a blog ,forum ,chat or private message ,

    please feel free to pm me if i can help at all,

    but for now il send you a hug jenni xx