
  • Living with a stent

    Swallowing has improved dramatically with the stent but, I confess, the pain is much worse than I could have imagined.

    This temporary stent remains for another 7 weeks and then we see if it has stretched the oesophagus enough for me to manage without.

    Hoever, if swallowing becomes worse again then I will need to be fitted with a permanent one.

    I hope the permanent one will not be this agonising.

  • Toasting the toast

    I had a stent fitted on wednesday and friday morning I had my first solid food for over a year.

    To slices of toast and marmite ....Bliss!!!!!

    It was extremely painful at first and I stayed in hospital overnight but am now home.

    What a year this has been!

  • You shall not pass!

    Wednesdays endoscopy did not go well as the endoscope would not go past the stricture in my eosophagus. Only one biopsy could be taken. I return monday week to the Marsden to discuss where we go from here. My key worker says it didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. The stricture is severe.

    However, it has left me feeling pretty low the last few days. Swallowing remains so difficult and I am worried…

  • Preparation

    My endoscopy at the Marsden, Fulham is on wednesday. If all goes well then I begin to prepare for surgery. They may decide to wait a month or two if they feel the chemo radiation can be left to finish what it has started so well. I confess I hope surgery comes as soon as possible. The thought of chopping the remaining cancer out feels good.

  • Nervous as hell

    My appointment at the Marsden is on Monday. My brother is coming with me the goodness. I am afraid I will be a gibbering wreck. I will hopefully discover what the next step will be or at least have an idea of the options. I hate knowing this thing is still inside me.