Scans today

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Today I have scans and get results on wednesday. The uncertainty weighs heavy.

People keep telling me it will be ok and I will beat this thing but, I don't believe it. I seemed resigned to the worst case scenario.

Most of my adult life I have foughrt anorexia nervosa and I was beginning to really feel it was behind me and now this comes along and I simply don't have the energy for another battle with a deadly disease.

  • FormerMember


    I'm so sad to read your not going through a good time rght now.Try and stay positive I know it's sometimes easier said than done.Remember cancer is just a name (they had to call it something) so don't be frightened of it.I'm also waiting on results of scan  (scan last Tuesday) and I know how you feel.Fingers crossed.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey, I know how you feel, we see the consultant on Thursday for partner's cancer and I am very nervous and dread bad/worse news. He was only diagnosed a month ago, there are ups and downs in positivity, but this site helps so much, come back and best of luck with scans,

    Hugs and comfort from Essex,

    Hope x.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Good luck with your scan today. Please try and stay positive,cancer can be beaten.

    Best wishes  Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey,

    Your jumping the gun.  Wait until you have had the results, before you start to sound like the voice of doom. Give yourself a chance, with the Help of the people on this site. You will be surprised at what you can do. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care

  • FormerMember

    HI there don't be alone - we are all here and will give as much help as you want. Many of us have been given the worst news. Judy was originally told no op, me too, in fact I was told I had 6 months to a year tops last August! Well not likely matey. I am here, rather well, slimmer (a good side effect for me) and with a great war wound to show for it. Stay tough my friend and ask any of us anything.