Scans today

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Today I have scans and get results on wednesday. The uncertainty weighs heavy.

People keep telling me it will be ok and I will beat this thing but, I don't believe it. I seemed resigned to the worst case scenario.

Most of my adult life I have foughrt anorexia nervosa and I was beginning to really feel it was behind me and now this comes along and I simply don't have the energy for another battle with a deadly disease.

  • FormerMember

    Hey Harvey and Hope102, we see the doctor Monday to find out what the news and treatment options are. Waiting is absolutely the worst! We'll all pull together, though. I keep finding new people who have survived this disease. Chins up!

  • FormerMember

    I didn't mean you have double chins ;)

    I meant WE have chins to keep up.

    Best wishes, Pilla xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Pilla, you and others on this site are a great comfort to me,

    love from dark and dreary Essex

    Hope x.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey - and including Hope 102 now as well ! - Please stay positive - it really can be hard and I know seem impossible - justremeber you have friends thinking of you - we all are looking for positive thing to happen for you. Make sure to let us know the results when you can please

    Hugs to all !!
