greybadger's blog

  • update after 6 weeks


    Very difficult to update a blog when they charge  30p a minute on the cruise!!  The cruise was a great success, despite feeling pains towards the end.  I did contact my cancer nurse and ask her to arrange my appointments for when I got home, telling her I thought I would be early.  I am afraid to say that I was right, and after we finished the cruise we cut short the journey down the coast to LA from San Franscico and th…

  • only 6 more days


    Well, I've started sorting out my clothes to pack... dec ided to throw out everything that doesn't fit while I am at it.  I think this means I am going to have to go shopping, but in a way I begrudge spending money on clothes when I may not need them for long.  Is this normal, or should I say 'what the hell' and spend frivoulously?  I've never been one to do that and it now it seems a waste to spend much…

  • Is this my last New year?


    I decided to write this blog as, like most of us with cancer, I'm not sure whether it will be my last christmas and new year.   

    Last year I was in remission and we had a busy time over the holiday period as my son and his family came over unexpectedly from LA.  We had all our family down on one day and all hers on the next.  My next check up showed my CA 125 count had gone up considerable, so I started chemo agin in…