Is this my last New year?

2 minute read time.

I decided to write this blog as, like most of us with cancer, I'm not sure whether it will be my last christmas and new year.   

Last year I was in remission and we had a busy time over the holiday period as my son and his family came over unexpectedly from LA.  We had all our family down on one day and all hers on the next.  My next check up showed my CA 125 count had gone up considerable, so I started chemo agin in April, and eventually had what was supposed to be the last in Nov, but on going back after 6 weeks my count is going up again already.  In December 2008 we had booked a special 6 week holiday (3 weeks cruise to the States, then 3 weeks stop in california, culminating with a visit to our son and his family.  We leave on jan 10th, with no insurance as all teh companies I have tried aren't interested...  it is too long in the states to be viable!   If my doctor has said go and make the most of it why can't I get the support of the people that should help not hinder this trip, which I know will be my last chance to visit my son and grandson.

We had a quiet Christmas day this year just with our daughter and her family, then visited my husbands family on boxing day, and two of my 3 siblings the next day.  On coming home my husband has been working hard so he is all up to date for the holiday, and I've found it very strange feeling fit to work, but now having retired from my business while I could, having nothing much to do.

Last night was New year's eve, and we had our oldest friends round for a quiet start to the New year.  Is this going to be my last.....

I now have my holiday looming large, andthe prospect when I come home of a CT scan and chemo again.  I started taking Essiac as I now feel that I must try anything I can to beat this insidious thing in my  body.  When the chemo starts again I know that the Oncologist will tell me to stop.  Who knows, perhaps when I come back (after 8 weeks of taking it) my levels may be low again and the scan will show nothing.  We can only hope................................



  • FormerMember

    Hi love..................Christmas 2008 for me seemed to be the last one for me but here I am on New Years day 2010 and still going......I don't know what the future will hold but I live my life day to day and damn well enjoy it. I had my holiday in October 2008 and had to restart a new regime of hell but got through it. All I am saying to you love is take one day at a time, make plans, do what you can, when you can and keep fighting it, I know sometimes that is easier said than done, I know I have been there and done it. Where there is life there is hope. I am thinking of you and sending you hugs. We fight this Carol x

  • FormerMember

    hello Carol and Greybadger, it was good to read your posts and you are a help to me as my brother lays in his last weeks, maybe hours, he was diagnosed last spring with brain cancer which affected sight and dizzyness, had RT and Chemo  made him so ill, and then went downhill early Dec and then stroke at xmas bk in Hosp on 28th.  cant stand or speak, still eating, drining a bit. the Drs say hes critical but has only weeks to live at most, he was a great tennis player, i have to be there for his wife. best wishes to you all and sorry for your situation xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yes - like many of us on this site I too felt sad wondering if this was my last New Year - have to say reading Kezzerbird's post gave me heart.  She is right - we live in the now and just keep plodding on.  Look at all the folk who have died with the bad weather - none of them knew they would never see another new year again.

  • FormerMember

    I am trying to live each day, but there are times when you wonder........ everybody says you've got loads of time, you'll go on for ever, but what do they know?  I still half expect not to go on my holiday - I'll only believe I'm going when I actually get on the ship and watch the shore recede.  Just keep my fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong.  Thanks for all the messages.

  • FormerMember

    Have a great time and enjoy your holiday then come back and plan the next thats what l do.just live for today tomorrow can look after its self. have a great time Rosie