Andrew Hickie, Hickster 1972

2 minute read time.

This is Mrs Victoria Hickie, wife of Andrew Hickie:

It is five weeks since my husband lost his battle with Melanoma. It was his expectation that I would update his McMillan account with what had happened at his end. However the end, as it was, was unpredictable.

Andrew died on the Saturday, 10th May.

On Tuesday 6th May he collapsed . He received head scan and spot in head which was said to be a new arising affecting speech. He was admitted overnight to hospital.

On Wednesday 7th May, Andrew, whilst in hospital saw his radiographer consultant who discussed with Andrew the reality of reducing steroids in an attempt to prepare him to receive Ipilimibab. Andrew was needing to receive this drug as was his limited hope. Consultant thought it was now unlikely that Andrew would be ever removed from steroids. Andrew was discharged from hospital, however took poorly later in day and was then readmitted to hospital after a difficult day. A further head scan showed no further abnormalities.

On Thursday 8th May, Andrew was again discharged from hospital later on day, however was not well.

On Friday 9th May, Andrew took ill at home and was again taken by ambulance to hospital.

Andrew had a seizure on Saturday morning. Andrew never regained consciousness. There was bleeding in Andrew's head. It was hoped that the medics may have reduced the swelling and an increase in steroids may have assisted in Andrew regaining consciousness.

However, the medics needed to sedate Andrew in order to conduct a head scan. 
The scan revealed significant bleeding to Andrew's head and Andrew sadly died shortly after the scan.

Andrew had had an inter-cranial hemorrhage.

Andrew didn't not regain consciousness following seizure on Saturday morning - and didn't know he was about to die. 
He lived in hope he would have attended the FA Cup Final to see his beloved Arsenal (win) on May 17th.

As his wife, I received the results posthumously for Andrew's bone scan which revealed no further arising. Andrew had been due to have a full body scan on Tuesday 13th May had he survived.

I know Andrew took great comfort from writing his blogs.

Also, my husband had a great way with words and no doubt entertained you all with his wit.

So farewell and on Andrew Hickie's behalf, thank you and God bless.

Andrew Hickie's photo.