Just To Let You Know

Less than one minute read time.

Gordy went to the hospital on Monday for this week's chemo tablets.

Later in the day his consultant's secretary rang Mams as they wanted him to go back and the message was not to take any of the drugs he had been given.

Gordy went back to the hospital on Tuesday morning.  They took the drugs off him and told him that the chemo was doing more harm than good, his blood count had dropped dramatically in 5 days and the cancers in his liver were not responding and growing fast.

Gordy now has 3, maybe 4 weeks left with us.

I am really sorry I haven't been around for the last week or so and to be honest I am so upset I don't think I will be for a while.  Even though we all knew this was coming I still hoped for a miracle that didn't come.

Please keep Gordy in your prayers  He is a very special man and loved by many.

Much love,

Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Nin

    I  am so sorry to see this news. When my husband came home from Hospital in January I was told he had weeks to live, it was a very big shock. I was still hoping for months! We had plans of going away in the spring to get on with our lives not sitting and waiting around for anything to happen.Life after treatment!

     As it turned out my husband came home and he lived for 2 weeks and 1 day, staying in bed most of  the time and only just able to be helped into a chair for a few minutes at a time. 

    It is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life to date. He was sleeping in the lounge and we had carers in and out all day. Accepting that life will never be the same again is hard.

    You are an amazing sister to an amazing brother. You have been a rock to him all the way. You will be able to take comfort in that when the time comes, but for now enjoy days like yesterday, and all the time he has left. It is a precious commodity.

    With much love



  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry, even when you've been told the end is coming it is still very hard to believe or accept.  Try and be strong, you will find the courage to get through this.  Just make good memories, no regrets and be there as much as you can.  xxx