
  • Pain!


    Hi - has anyone else experienced pain in the breast affected by cancer? I get shooting pains and one side of the tumour is tender - even bras are uncomfortable as they lie across the lump! I noticed after the biopsies that the pain became worse. Up until now I had always been told cancer was painless but this one isn't!


    Just wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar. Thx


    Fi x

  • Newbie lost in space!


    Hi everyone

    I have just been diagnosed with mixed type stage two breast cancer. I have to undergo further tests - mri and microbubble ultrasound this week. Am struggling to find much info on mixed type and just generally feel a bit dazed. I'm fine when family, friends and work colleagues are around and everyone thinks I am coping so well. I think I am coping quite well but every now and again I will read or hear something…