Newbie lost in space!

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Hi everyone

I have just been diagnosed with mixed type stage two breast cancer. I have to undergo further tests - mri and microbubble ultrasound this week. Am struggling to find much info on mixed type and just generally feel a bit dazed. I'm fine when family, friends and work colleagues are around and everyone thinks I am coping so well. I think I am coping quite well but every now and again I will read or hear something and I feel sad!No other way to describe it just sad. I know emotions can be unpredictable but just wondered of anyone else can relate?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Fi

    Welcome to the site - you're not lost any more.

    I have no experience of breast cancer but I'm sure there is someone on this site who can help you.

    As for your emotions, you will probably find that you go through a whole rollercoaster of them.  I went through the lot when John was first diagnosed - sadness, anger, frustration, you name it.........   Being sad is perfectly normal.

    You will find everyone very supportive on here - we're a big MacFamily!  

    Take care sweetheart.  We're all here for you.

    Love, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Fi

    Welcome to Macland this is my saviour.  I am recently diagnosed too I have stage two breast cancer, i have two lobular invasive tumors.  Your feelings and emotions will be up and down for sure. Some days I can take on this beast and I am determined to kick its ass, other days i feel sad and find if difficult to find the positives.  It is very early days for you and it is totally nomal to feel this way, just remember that we all care here and there is always someone to turn to who understands. You will come through it and positivity plays an enormous part in recovery.

    I am booked for a mastectomy on 9 June, I have MRI on 18th May and then final consult on 20th May.  I found my nasty unwelcome visitors on 31 March and since that date my life has changed but i cope by dealing with it one day at a time and Macland for me is the therapy i need. Dont ever think you are alone, we are all here for you. I am sending you all good things and heaps of positive thinking.

    Love & hugs

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Fi, welcome but sorry you've had to join.  All  you feelings are perfectly normal - we all deal with life's cr.p in our own way and cancer is a huge smack.  I was diagnosed in 2007 but I know there are  lots of lovely people on here who are at your stage and I sincerely hope you will be able to help each other.  YOU WILL BE OKAY YOU HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE but it is hard to sink in.  I know if you have anything you cannot talk about to family or friends your new friends here will be able to empathise or help you along the way.   Good luck Fi, lots of strength and love to you.  Be kind to yourself every day and take one step at a time.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for all your kindness! The waiting for a plan of action is the worst next Thursday seems a million miles away! This evil took my mum and my auntie but it ain't getting me! If anyone has info on microbubble ultrasound I would appreciate it. Again, thanks for letting me know you are there :)

    Fi xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Fi

    Bless you, I had the same feelings of how I could only describe as 'overwhelming sadness' when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago.  Apparently it is perfectly normal, and it is a form of grieving.

    Then comes acceptance, which I guess you have since discovered? I had surgery a moth ago, and  I'm starting chemo in 10 days but feeling very positive and well at the moment.  Best of luck, and hope you found the info that you needed.
