Everything changes from tomorrow....

  • Dad's first chemo...


    Yesterday went well and i am really proud of my dad :)

    Went for his first chemo for SCLC.  He had a saline flush, then antibiotic, then another flush, then anti sickness Dexamethasone and Domperidone, then a flush, then Carboplatin, flush, Etoposide, flush and then home.  He was sat there munching on bacon frazzles with a cup of tea chatting to the woman in the next chair bless him.  The ward area was really nice and cheerful…

  • Why do we find new things from being cc'd??


    Ok, so we have had appointments with consultants and specialists etc. but the lung specialist decided to write to dad's doctor and copied us in.  There it is in black and white.  Bowel CANCER, lung CANCER, liver mets blah blah blah, ok hard to swallow but we got over that.  Today we've been cc'd again and this time it talks about the chemotherapy he's about to receive, ok and the radiotherapy for his bone mets, no one…

  • Everything changes from tomorrow....


    Hi all,

    My first blog posted but just wanted to relay my fears and get some support...

    My dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer on 29th June 2011, had a CT scan the next day, results are there is mets in the liver and a problem with his left lung.  Saw the lung specialist who organised a lung biopsy, got the results.  Dad has a primary SCLC with mets in the liver and bone.  Starts chemo tomorrow for the lung, they are leaving…