Dad's second chemo...

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So Thursday was dad's second chemo for SCLC, Carboplatin and Etoposide.  Same procedure as last time but no tablet antibiotics to take, the Oncologist said the first cycle is the highest risk so they tend to stop them due to risk of other 'superbugs' he said??

Anyway, he is feeling a lot more exhausted this time, struggling to do normal things.  The dizziness has continued, although there was nothing amiss in his blood tests or blood pressure so not sure.  He hasn't been sick but has had his head down the loo a couple of times.  Biggest issue we have is body temperature, he is really thin (and losing) and cannot seem to regulate his temperature.  Saturday night it dropped to 34!  Put a heater on, another blanket and it came back, but during it's low point he was having chest pains.  May be worth a call to the chemo nurses tomorrow about that one...

Mentally he seems down because he's realising that he can't do the normal things he wants to do, hopefully next week he will feel more 'normal' again which will restore his confidence.

And so it continues....

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear that your dad is having such a tough time. I wondered if he had tried a heat pad to keep warm?  I bought one a few months ago for back pain and it really kept me snugly.  I think the make was Dreamland, or similar.  They sell them in Argos, but I think I got mine a bit cheaper off either Ebay or Amazon.  You can also get heated foot muffs that are like a giant slipper you can slip both feet into.  I hope this helps, and I wish him well in his recovery.


  • FormerMember

    Chemo does take it out of you so here's hoping for some good days soon ... I am the other way with hot flushes! But I remember my mum getting very cold and she had one of those back heat pads too which helped her a lot.

    Biggest hug to you

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    I remember my Mum's feet and legs being freezing. I used to heat one of those lavender bags that you shove in the micro and put her feet on the pad wrapping them up in a warm towel.


    Bee x

  • FormerMember

    Poor Dad.  He has my sympathy.  I'm still feeling c**p too.  My temp hovers about 35.5 - which is high by his standards!  But I am freezing and the new short haircut is making my neck very cold!

    Haven't been sick, but I think I might prefer it to how I feel at the mo - which is pretty much on the verge of being sick - all the time.

    My mouth is starting up today too, but superbugs or not, I'm back on the antibiotics on Thursday as well as the Fluconazole.  Two weeks on antib's and 1 week off.  Scan on 5th and results on 13th, then I'll find out if they think it's doing any good.

    Give Dad a big hug for me.

    Lots of love,

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone :) heard from mum earlier and he's had a tough night with the runs and cramps, cos he's got a separate bowel cancer he's worrie, they told us to watch out for that. So much for their week away, I suspect we'll have our house guests back soon! Still have a look for the heat pads :)

    Little My, you have my sympathies on the hot flushes, not nice xx

    Ann, blimey feeling sick is just awful, keep taking the domperidome and I hope it passes xx