Dad's second chemo...

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So Thursday was dad's second chemo for SCLC, Carboplatin and Etoposide.  Same procedure as last time but no tablet antibiotics to take, the Oncologist said the first cycle is the highest risk so they tend to stop them due to risk of other 'superbugs' he said??

Anyway, he is feeling a lot more exhausted this time, struggling to do normal things.  The dizziness has continued, although there was nothing amiss in his blood tests or blood pressure so not sure.  He hasn't been sick but has had his head down the loo a couple of times.  Biggest issue we have is body temperature, he is really thin (and losing) and cannot seem to regulate his temperature.  Saturday night it dropped to 34!  Put a heater on, another blanket and it came back, but during it's low point he was having chest pains.  May be worth a call to the chemo nurses tomorrow about that one...

Mentally he seems down because he's realising that he can't do the normal things he wants to do, hopefully next week he will feel more 'normal' again which will restore his confidence.

And so it continues....

  • FormerMember

    Hi there molly, my dad is in a similar situation to yours. He also has small cell with mets to his spine. He had his second round of chemo with the carbo and etop. He seems to be cold a lot of the time. He finds things like getting into bed and just moving from one place to another he gets extremely cold. He is so cold he he has tremers. Was very frightening when this first happened. We  spoke to one of the nurses in the onc appt and this is a very common side effect of chemo! Just keep him wrapped up in lots of layers!

    My dad also finding it very depressing not being able to do the things he used  to. Not only is he weak from the chemo and the cancer and the weight loss but gets a fair amount of pain from his spine, which is now getting better.

    First round dad just had carbo as he had been very ill due the high calcium from his bone mets.He had one day of sickness from this and very little other side effects. He is stronger now and onto both drugs. will be interested to hear how your dad gets along.

    Much Love Claire xx