Ellis' Blog

  • Happier Times


    I didn't write these blog posts to be all doom and gloom! 

    The happy ending to the story is that mum is getting better and we are all moving on with our lives with bigger and better things. 

    It was the hardest part of mine and my families life and although it was tough, I believe that it has made us stronger people. If you feel like it is getting to much to people, let it out to people who understand- I would highly…

  • My Life


    Its odd to say that I was affected by my mums illness more after than during. I think because we all had to be strong for my mum, I didn't have time to sit around and mope!

    After mum had check ups that came back clear and life seemed to get back to normal I thought I would be able to move on and put the bad times behind me.

    This was not the case. I started suffering from serious panic attacks and become withdrawn…

  • Coming Back


    After a year of my mum recovering and check ups, the last thing I expected was for my mum to come back from a standard check up and drop another bomb shell. She was finally getting her confidence back and started back at work- sitting at home by herself all day was driving her a bit stir crazy and she was glad to not be staring at the same 4 walls. 

    My mum said that she sat in the car for 4 hours before she set off home…

  • The First Time


    I don't think I will ever forget the day my mum sat me down and told me she had cancer. It was a Wednesday morning in 2007 and I was wearing a blue top, its strange I remember the little things.

    When my mum went to the hospital in the morning we all thought there might be something wrong, although the C word never entered my head. Sitting down at the dining room table, my mum broke the news to me and my sister- she…