Eden Rose - Two Years Three Months of Age.

  • What a Week!

    What a week!
    From the beginning of Eden`s treatment, we were told that this period of intensification would be hard....and by God, it has lived up to all dreaded expectations.
    For me, it started with a call from Jemma telling me that they were on their way to the local hospital as Eden had a high temperature. Eden was also complaining of having pains in her back, which Jem and Neil felt should be investigated…
  • April Ist


    April Fools Day
    Hardly in the mood for the annual prank day
    today as little Eden has not been feeling too well the past few days.  Back in
    Addenbrookes after a high temperature in the early hours of Friday morning, we
    prepared ourselves for the usual 48hr hospital observation routine we are
    getting accustomed to.

    This was after a short visit to our local
    hospital at 2am where we were told that although…
  • Two Months of Treatment


    It`s hard to believe it has only been two months since our Eden was diagnosed.  I dread to think of how many drugs have been pumped into her tiny body as she fights leukaemia.  Who could imagine such a small little girl could cope, not only with the debilitating cancer that has stricken her, but with the amount of medicinal intervention of incredibly strong drugs?

    Each passing day brings highs and lows alongside consta…

  • Eden - 28 Day Biopsy

    After ten days of treatment for leukaemia, Eden
    was given a general anaesthetic in order for her to have a lumbar puncture, have
    some chemo put into her spine and crucially to ascertain the function of her
    bone marrow.  We were somewhat dismayed and concerned when we were told by one
    of the doctors treating her that the consultant was not entirely happy with the
    corresponding results found as regards the bone marrow.  The…
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis


    The words written are heartfelt, earnest and above all positive as we all strive to travel this daunting journey alongside Eden, picking her up if she falls, steadying her if she stumbles and rejoicing with her when she is triumphant.

    Bless Our Eden Rose

    family will never forget the date 7th February 2012.  On that date our darling
    Eden was diagnosed with leukaemia.  On that date the world as we knew it, would…