Diagnosed with IDC Breast Cancer

  • Portacath removed


    This is the 4th surgery (lumpectomy, lymph nodes, portacath insertion) and this was the first one done under local anaesthetic and for me, the worst out of all of them I would say.

    On admission, I was asked to change into a gown and also put on the surgical stockings. I thought it would be a simple procedure in a doctors room but I was told it would be in theatre. I walked down to the theatre. I was told to fast…
  • Flashback to April


    I had my CT scan today before commencing radiotherapy next week.

    The radiotherapy centre is opposite the hospital where I first got diagnosed. I did not realise how walking past the hospital would affect me so much. I haven't been past since 27th April. I got annoyed with myself for being so emotionally dramatic and tried to pull myself together. 
    The pre CT scan assessment was quite emotionally challenging…
  • Finel chemo session / port removal / radiotherapy

    Today I had my last chemo session. I've been looking forward to this day yet on the way there this morning, I started to feel quite emotional. I had got into a routine with the weekly appointment and dare I say, almost use to the side effects. 
    When I got to the treatment suite, I had the dreaded insertion of the needle into my port. That would (hopefully) be the final time I would use it. I then started to get…
  • Portacath removal


    I've now set a date for the removal of my portacath. This will be the following Wednesday after my 12th chemo session and the week before radiotherapy starts. It has never been comfortable but yet it has made my weekly chemo sessions much easier. As much as I don't like having the portacath, I am getting very anxious about having it removed since this time it will he done under local anaesthetic so I will be awake:…

  • Humpty Dumpty


    That's the name I've given to myself do we I keep falling. I fell down the stairs again yesterday morning, the third time! This time it was only 2-3 steps towards the bottom so the impact was much less. I landed in on my arm (the bad one) so that was a little uncomfortable. Perhaps I an experiencing numbness in my feet so I'm not feeling the steps well.