Cyril the Arsehole

  • Blog 8 – The negatives of ‘Cyril’


    Since this all began, I’ve had a lot of time to ponder various things, as I’m presently not allowed to work for the foreseeable future at least. I’ve already made my views on Daytime TV clear in a previous blog, so I find myself trying to keep my mind active without reaching for the TV remote.

    Writing these blogs helps enormously, it’s making me have to use my brain, despite the limitations that Cyril…

  • Blog 7 - An odd weekend


    Sleep seems to be eluding me recently, well enough sleep is probably a better description. I go to bed feeling suitably knackered, that you’d think I’d drop of pretty quickly then lay there for hours.
    Its almost as soon as my head hits the pillow my brain goes ‘oh goody, its random shit time again’ so I spend hours pondering inane things.

    Are we alone in the universe? What do cats and dogs really…

  • Blog 6 - You must be Cyril, I presume?


    My tongue was getting better and with the help of family and friends, I was starting to feel a little more upbeat. I received a text from the hospital (as this is the way things are done these days) asking me to confirm my MRI Scan appointment for the 30th of November. This was news to me, but I responded yes and then started googling MRI Scans.

    I’m an engineer of sorts, so I like to know how and why stuff works and…

  • Blog 5 - Back to normal, or so I thought


    So after four weeks I could finally pretty much get back to normal life again. I was very relieved to be able to call my boss Lee and our office manager and HR lady Jo, on a little conference call to tell them I could start back to work. It was decided as I was still signed off, that I should start back on Monday the 12th of November.

    I work for a brilliant company called AT and C, we design and install corporate and…

  • Blog 4 - Diazepam or how to lose five days in four hours


    So after sleeping like a corpse for about 17 hours, I got up feeling very glad to not actually be one. After more raspberry ripple ice cream for breakfast (I should speak to Wallis about sponsering this blog as I ate so much of it  ) I had a bath and cleaned the burn on my leg you see in the accompanying picture. (The burn is about six days old when that picture was taken) Amazingly it didn’t hurt, which was a very strange…