Cyril the Arsehole

  • Blog 3 - Waking up to cold light of day


    So when we left the action our hero was....

    Sorry, just had my epilepsy meds and they honestly make me feel like I’ve had four pints of cider, so happily pissed   suddenly being epileptic has its benefits it would seem.

    So where were we? ah yes, so my wife and daughter stayed with me for a bit longer and then as visiting time was drawing to a close they went home.
    They were both starving as they’d been either in A&E…

  • Blog 2 - Two Ambulances, thats just greedy


    So I’ve told you all who Cyril is and why he’s an arsehole, I’ve also mentioned that he’s made me an epileptic, but not how this was diagnosed. Well strap in folks here is the story of the start of my epilepsy journey.

    The first time I keeled, over was Sunday the 7th of October, I had just watched an uninspiring Japanese Formula One Grand Prix, where Hamilton had won   (not a fan  )

    I went to answer…

  • Blog 1 - Introductions


    Welcome to my unusually titled blog, I had best explain before we go further I suppose. Two days ago I had a conversation with a lovely lady doctor/consultant called Sybil Stacpoole who informed me I have a growth in my brain that shouldn’t be there. This 23mm long interloper is causing me to have epilepsy (more on that subject in a future installment) which is what led me to my local hospitals Neurology department and…