cracks in family are massive....

  • happy update to situation with family


    I received another call from my dad last Night, this is the 3rd call in 3 days after a Mexican stand off as my Sister put it lasting 3.5 weeks

    I tried not to react as I heard his voice, but was instantly fearing more hostility. His tone was actually warm and he was quite friendly. Dad was ringing to say go ahead and book into the B&B for Christmas and said that someone had mentioned that the place was nice!


  • cracks in family are massive


    As I have previously said, things are very difficult with my Family
    I live alone in near Leeds and they are in up North.
    I deliberately moved away to go to Uni as I was already sure I needed distance between us, even at the tender age of 18.
    This whole illness thing has possibly exagerated the cracks and tensions between us.
    Only told my Sister in the beginning and she was initially quite supportive but then just seemed to…