cracks in family are massive

3 minute read time.

As I have previously said, things are very difficult with my Family
I live alone in near Leeds and they are in up North.
I deliberately moved away to go to Uni as I was already sure I needed distance between us, even at the tender age of 18.
This whole illness thing has possibly exagerated the cracks and tensions between us.
Only told my Sister in the beginning and she was initially quite supportive but then just seemed to forget and we had very little contact, not even the odd text.
Told my Folks when I knew I was going to have treatment, I insisted they do not tell people but they were not understanding of this and wanted to tell everyone, I believe they wanted to have the sympathy vote and hold court with the Family "ring round" thing. This was immensely upsetting as they have done this before when I have been ill with chest problems etc. They thrived on the support from others and almost adopted the sick role themselves, yet they rarely even bothered to pass on good wishes from the caller.
Insisted they DO NOT do this, but they got very angry and annoyed and were really hostile. Surely I am entitled to handle this my way?? They are angry as to why I hadn't told them in the first place and the resentment between us is huge now.
They are completely missing the point, didn't want to worry them as we just don't really get on anyway. Was also trying to spare them additional worry, they are not well themselves. I have always done things my own way since I moved away and am fiercely independant. I was in denial for so long anyway.
They have been foul about this and the biggest concern is what will people think of this Family? They seem to want to project this imagine of the perfect Family, how silly and very selfish.
Then comes bloody FACEBOOK, so many people have approached them and said silly things and this has further inflamed things. Not that I have put much on there but again they are nasty and bitter as hell.
My Sister says they are worried sick, maybe they are but they have become useless and disabled by worry, so NOT coming across as caring or supportive at all.
Dad often cringes and is in denial, really does not want to hear anything about how I feel or symptons. Am sick of having to pretend I am coping, when the truth is I have not been coping well...
So many people assume and indeed say how strong you are, how the flip do they know?? They feel better themselves if they say it out loud enough times hahahah.
Did speak to Sister last night, long talk and she was all apologetic for not getting in touch much. She keeps saying how hurt folks are and how I have to somehow make them feel better. She thinks Parents need a role in all of this as they feel useless.
I also phoned Dad last night, hadn't spoken to them in 3 weeks. He was very clear they were not going to ring me!  I am right, they were punishing me. Just can't believe this. I did shout at them both out of frustration and anger 3 weeks ago when I stayed with them. I had been sick on the stairs and they were horrible to me, I lost the plot and retaliated briefly.
Not a bit of compassion from them, didn't even ask how I was or pick up on how depressed I was becoming, feel very let down.
Knew the shit would hit the fan when they were told my news, I was so right!
They are so caught up with thier own feelings they are useless to me. I almost feel like lying and saying I am in remission!!! that would take the pressure of them.
They are kind finacially but she is the coldest creature on earth, her hatefull eyes bore into you are she projects her poison glare. He is in denial and this illness is something he hates. It really feels like he hates me at present though(
Had my last Chemo today and am Hospital free until next Year, going to relax, rest and try and find that happy little me again.... not going to think of what next, or so I plan anyway.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Maisey-mouse,

    Not sure that I can help you at all, other than to say that you are among friends on this site and families seem to fall into one of two camps. Either they all rally round and are useful or like yours and mine can't seem to deal with OUR illness without it all being about THEM. Have you thought about getting some Counselling? You seem to be having to carry and extra large burdon of everyone else's guilt. They might be able to help you with some coping strategy's for dealing with mum and dad? I had a similar conversation with my mum recently, I dont see her very often and she cries every time we talk on the phone. I sat her down and said that her tears made me feel guilty about being unwell.You didn't ask to have this disease and seem to have coped remarkably well considering that you have no support.... Be proud of how far you have travelled on this bumpy road!

    As I said not sure if it helps but a huge hug anyway (((())))


  • FormerMember

    Hi Maisey

    It is very sad that your family seem unable or unwilling to be supportive to you and I really don't know what to say that would make you feel any better.

    I do know that being a relative is sometimes a very difficult path as I am finding out.  My brother is terminally ill and at the moment is very down and nothing we say or do seems to be right although we keep trying.  I do know that the pain I feel is very real but I do manage not to cry when I am with him and support him as much as I can, although I admit to feeling next to useless most of the time.

    I am not making light of what cancer sufferers have to go through but as a relative I have to be totally honest with you and tell you that we too run a whole ring of emotions ranging from total disbelief, despair, helplessness, anger, misery and in some cases denial.

    You seem to be a very strong person and perhaps this is why they don't think they need to give you as much support as they should.

    I wish I could give you a real hug and hold your hand and talk through how you are feeling but I can't so I am sending you a massive internet hug and can only hope it makes you feel a little better.

    Keep fighting kiddo and when it gets too much please feel free to rant at me if you want to.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maisie,

    That sounds like a whole world of grief! I wa the relative rather than the cancer sufferer myself and it's horrible, you watch someone you love going through all sorts of hideous things but what you're meant to do, and what we tried to do, is to make things EASIER for the person who is ill, not harder. Your family really don't sound like they're dealing with it well at all and having a go at you for being sick on the stairs is just mean. It cleans up, it's not the end of the world! I wish I could say something to make it better but I don't have anything, they just sound like a bit of a nightmare. According to my counsellor, some people have family that they can lean on in a crisis, other people have family that ARE the crisis and lean on friends instead. It's not as unusual as you migt think! Maybe you're better just keeping your distance from them for a while if they're going to upset you? All the best and I hope they come round soon, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maisey

    I had sucky parents too. Luckily they died before I got ill, 'cause you can just bet it would've been my fault. And I know what you mean about people wallowing in reflected sympathy - they get all the perceived glamour of a life-threatening illness without the inconvenience of having to go through the pain of actually being ill and being treated.

    Do you have friends, at least, if your family's no use? MacLand is always here, but having actual 3-D people around is a comfort.

    *hugs* from me.

