Those Big Red Buses Are The Real Risk !!

5 minute read time.

Hi Guys - promise this one was written when I was stone cold sober in fact despite it being Friday night - not had a drink for 48 hours - new record huh ?

Strange how life can suddenly change when you least expect it ? I updated my blog at the end of October 2010 to say how good my progress had been, this was the second anniversary of my surgery and tests and everything seemed so stable.

Early November, a couple of weeks later, I had a blood test taken so the results would be available when I was due to see my Consultant at the end of November but this was first postponed until the end of December than the next day postponed once again to the 21st January. So been today for my 3 monthly update, which is 2 months late,  of my PSA levels - indication of Prostate Cancer activity. Just a reminder guys - indicator - not proof !!

Was a little surprised to be told it had risen to 4.1 from the 2 previous quarters, 2.1 then 2.6. The normal range even in non-cancer patients can be up to 4.5 so not too perturbed - until I asked the question why the rise.

Seems this is a natural progression as the effectiveness of the hormone treatment effects diminish - PSA and hence activity of the Cancer will continue to about double every 6 months. When I asked at what stage I should become concerned he suggested about 30 to 40 points. Now I was good at maths when at school and that would seem to say 6 monthly progression will be 8, 16, 32 - so maybe 18 months - not going to calculate the 2 year level just now if thats OK !

We did discuss alternative treatments, he wrote to make an appointment for me to see an Oncologist to formulate a treatment plan - looks like I may not of escaped the Chemo Path after all. The intention is to discuss the alternative treatments, effectiveness and suitability for my stage and to get a treatment plan in place in the next 3 - 6 months. Got to be honest I was a little shocked - OK very shocked. But always been a wimp, Should see me with Man Flue !!

Was originally told the hormone treatment should of been effective for about 5 years, know at best this is an educated guess  - looks like I got about half that. Maybe the biggest shock I had was I thought I was well versed in the basic information regarding the DX, Treatment and Progression of PC. Seemed this doubling effect information had passed me by without me noticing - maybe a reminder take nothing for granted and ask more questions ?

I am not suggesting for 1 second that it will be terminal in 18 months to 2 years or that this rate of increase is defined in tablets of stone or even that it may not be slowed down. Just no longer being held in check by the standard treatment - so lets see what rabbits they can pull out of the hat !!

Nothing to do with the information I had today,  I had already made my mind up to offer to take part in a Clinic Trial. They have just opened a new centre 'Christies at Oldam' and I was told the Oncologist would now also discuss the available trials -  but a likelihood I would be accepted as several trials were planned. The way I am going I will get  the Placebo - and still get the side effects too - lol. Not placing too much faith of salvation on the trial, most have 4 stages and are long term  - but hope I might contribute to the fund of future knowledge that could benefit others at some stage.

OK a lot of you know my outlook on life and that has not changed - Live every day to the maximum - there is good to be found in every one of them. None of us are guaranteed to have a tomorrow - so never regret or invest in what you have never been told is yours. Will be honest had a slight wobble but now back on track and ready for new challenges !

Spring is round the corner - a time of renewal with the promise of summer to follow - know what ? This will be my best summer ever ! I do not have a bucket list as such - never needed one as I said I would live forever - but I do have some special things to do - things I have promised other will happen this year and I will achieve them , I have so much life to live and I will fight for every second.

None of this is meant to sound self pitying - I am good - maybe a few lessons to be learnt though ? You can be too layed back and maybe miss asking the obvious questions you should ask. We were given 2 ears and only one mouth - maybe I used these in wrong proportion at times.

The most important thing - I have told enough people - do not waste today worrying or planning tomorrow - who knows when that big red bus might come round the corner and gets you while you are looking the wrong way !
Two final points - Gentlemen maybe do not get too hung up on PSA levels - its an indicator not proof, have even heard of ridiculous levels like several thousand - so I am not down. I am happy for for anyone to comment on my post and hope it may act as warning to some of the guys - but any posts that contain the word sorry could well be deleted. - LOL

I am good and look forward to every day and will enjoy each one - the same as I would of done yesterday. Every day can be as good as you want it to be - its in your hands so live it to the full.

Love and Hugs to All

John xx


  • FormerMember


    You know I will be with you every step of the way.

    We may stumble a bit on the journey (for various reasons! lol) but we will get there in the end.

    A friend in know the rest. x

    Love, and big hugs, Claire xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi John

    just remember to look both ways to avoid that big red bus when you cross the road and you will be fine.

    love reading your bloggs you are so uplifting and insprirational and in glad to call you my friend

    take care and remember to look twice!! lol

    love karenxxx

  • FormerMember

    John, your outlook and attitude is good, but in the wee dark hours when no one is around, the mind goes into overdrive, I know..... Because I am the most optimistic positive person I know, and it happens to me, I have to fight to push it to the back of my mind, and at the risk of repeating myself (lol no risk I know I have said it before) I was told in march 2008 by American doctors to go home as soon as I was able to travel after my surgery, as I was going to get very sick very quickly, and if I wanted to die at home it was urgent go go asap, as there was nothing could be done to help me...... 3to 4 months to live! Well, I'm still here kicking cancers butt! Ok I've had 14 chemo so far and more to come, hopefully not too soon lol, but what I'm trying to say is your attitude will help emensly, so keep it up.... Kick cancer to the kerb!

    Good luck


  • FormerMember

    just read your blog john ,keep safe hope every day is a good one for you and that you prove the doctors wrong  heres hoping for a great summer nad many more to come big hugs valxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John

    You are an inspiration to everyone who knows you,as you say there are still roads to go down and hopefully they will not be on bus rout's Take care and know we are all routing for you

    Love Sandra