No-It Only Happens To Other Mums - Surely Not Me?

3 minute read time.

                  ONE DAY WE WILL BEAT CANCER !!
Each year Scientific Knowledge and Screening Techniques Improve
Genetic Testing With Preventative Medication and Surgery Advances
But Alone This Will Never Be Enough ! Cancer Will Not Be Beaten
Until We become Self-Aware, Self Examine And Take The Tests. 
   Tests can Only Show up Abnormalities If We Take Them !!!
Life can be so confusing, some days boring, others manic,
Then the world Changes, found the lump, but no need to panic.
Could it be my cycle, the body often changes so !
I meant to go last year, when I first found it, though.
Bit late now to ring the doc, 6 days waiting to be seen,
Should of followed up the letter - about that screen.
Its getting bigger, still really just want to ignore,
Not a coward, but don't really want to know much more !
Ok Bite the bullet, time to get it checked out,
Told my hubby how long its been, asked him not to shout.
Seen the Doc, not much said, just refereed me for a quick start,
The scary bit, the waiting now, baited breath, beating heart.
Well got the letter, 2 weeks today, I really should feel good,
If you could predict the outcome, then not sure I  would !
I am scared as  I already know just what they will find,
Pray as never before for God to forgive and to be kind !
Well had the tests, the scans, the samples,  not what I thought,
Its so much worse, already spread, not much time to be bought !
The brain - well its there now, they can treat but just not cure,
Surgery to remove the boobs, the hair ?, loosing that for sure.
The hardest bit - telling the children, that broke my heart,
6 months they say, maybe less, but limited time until we part.
Hubby is hurting too - blames himself, wonders why he did not see,
He Proves his love every day, never once is he blaming me.
He held me close and said how much he cared
While other so called friends, lost for words, only stared
Its not often You see a fully grown Woman cry,
But then its not every day you are told  you're going to die !
All is such  a waste of life, when I really did know the sign,
but ignored each time, and said, that problem cannot be mine
So if any of this applies to you, then listen, please take heed
Chemo, Radio, Hormone - the sooner tackled, the less the need
Learn from me and, hear when your body says something is wrong
So important checking when your body tells its not feeling strong
Learn to examine as you should,  get to know your body like your face
Have the Scans - the mammograms, ignore nothing that seems out of place
We start to die from the day we are born
Each day moves us closer to deaths dawn
We all get our alloted span, some do well, others not
But regrets do not help - we celebrate each day we've got.
Live each day as best you can, try to live in hope
Is better than to hide away while others cope
Every day is a special bonus granted us
Enjoy, relax, build memories without the fuss.
Some get no notice and never get that special meal
prepared with love to say sorry for the row  today - it was no big deal
When we go, we hurt others, then leave them to walk alone.
remember us with love - but also remember we will not be coming home.
I hope no one,especially those affected by  BC, will be offended by
My take on things. I did loose my Mother to BC but have also got
so many friends on here that have family affected by late detection
My comments apply to so many other Ca too, Prostate, testicular,
Changes to Skin Blemishes, abnormal Periods and bleeding.
I know this is probably posted to the wrong Forum, its the ones
who are less aware than the Mac Family for the absolute need,
never ever ignore Your body or put off Testing out of fear - Please
If one person listens, passes on  and someone learns from this I will
feel I Achieved more than during the rest of my life.
J xx



  • FormerMember

    John yet another one of your brilliant blogs. You could never offend, having had BC think its brilliant.

    Love and hugs to you as all ways  Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you John

    Yet another great poem from you.  

    I've had BC myself and wish that poems like this one were posted on big poster-boards around the country.  I was lucky - I was screaned and the lump was detected before I could feel it (it was right at the back).  However, this screening saved my life and most of my breast.  Oh how I wish cancer was not a taboo subject and was discussed openly and frankly by all!

    Wishing you all the very best


  • FormerMember

    John, i was only telling one of my friends yesterday how to check herself and she was not really taking note, i then said to her if i didnt check myself i could be dead now. i think that shocked her and she will now check.

    Its good to be reminded

    Take care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    John, OMG how your words really hit home. I have posted this on another forum for mums that i use.  (hope thats ok) I too hope it helps someone make a decision to act sooner.

    Love to you. xx