1 minute read time.

Hi peeps!

I am still in hospicle (since 22nd mar) but have made a sudden improvement. Yesterday my belly was better and i had my first food....jelly and a fortisip, and was not sick and so picc line was put on hold.

Today i have ate proper food and not bin sick and new stoma is working, they are amazed and are now saying about going home before weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so nice to be able to tell you this free from tubes, no ng (tube up nose, horrible), no catheter, no wound drain and just 1 cannular left in 4 emergency and so no longer attached to noisy flashy boxes on hat stands.

New stoma not nice, skin area around is badly damaged this was due to infections, and so will take some sorting out but stoma nurse said don't worry. I also have a nice long line of staples that any punk rocker would die for, hang on, bad choice of words.

I cannot see me trying for reversal again, i know it is early days yet but i was lower than snakes belly for a long time and can't face that risk again. I am still glad I went for it, but it seems my die may be cast.

visiting time now, so bye for now.


TIM xxx

  • Hi Timmmmmm can't tell you how good it is to hear from you.I am so very sorry that the reversal went the way it did and that you have had such a traumatic time but so grateful you are on the mend I just wish everything would have gone the way we all hoped.Your Wendy and girls will be so relieved and glad to have you back home with them seems the song that LM wrote did the trick it may have helped your recovery but it did nothing for our ears believe me.I don't know what the future will hold but whatever it is I hope it is good for you your wife and children you all really do deserve all good things huge hugs and much love to you and yours a very happy Cruton xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Tim!!!!! So good to hear from you, but so sorry that things didn't go as planned...

    Really really hope that you are home for the weekend

    And hope you had a fun visit :)


  • FormerMember

    Glad to have you back Tim. And can I join in with the hugs and clings???

    Take care and get those Fortisips down! XXX

  • FormerMember

    Aye, aye Jones,

    So glad your on the mend my feathered friend, it must feel good to be heading home and surround yourself with your lovely girls.

    The staples sound impressive, I was a punk, with back combed hair coloured pink, but that's another story! I am sorry that the op was not  successful and boo to infections.

    Sending you lots of Scottish smiles

    Rooby xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Tim!!

    So glad to hear from you! I empathise on the NG tubes - we tried 3 but gave up in the end!

    These things we go through are huge and momentous and I don't blame you at not wanting to try again just yet, if at all!!

    You're here, you're back with us, and Wendy must be so relieved!

    Gentle cwtchs to you, and catch up soon.

    Much love

    Ems xxx