1 minute read time.

Hi peeps!

I am still in hospicle (since 22nd mar) but have made a sudden improvement. Yesterday my belly was better and i had my first food....jelly and a fortisip, and was not sick and so picc line was put on hold.

Today i have ate proper food and not bin sick and new stoma is working, they are amazed and are now saying about going home before weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so nice to be able to tell you this free from tubes, no ng (tube up nose, horrible), no catheter, no wound drain and just 1 cannular left in 4 emergency and so no longer attached to noisy flashy boxes on hat stands.

New stoma not nice, skin area around is badly damaged this was due to infections, and so will take some sorting out but stoma nurse said don't worry. I also have a nice long line of staples that any punk rocker would die for, hang on, bad choice of words.

I cannot see me trying for reversal again, i know it is early days yet but i was lower than snakes belly for a long time and can't face that risk again. I am still glad I went for it, but it seems my die may be cast.

visiting time now, so bye for now.


TIM xxx

  • FormerMember

    Tim, I am so glad to hear from you, and even more gladderer to hear that you're improving! I'm sorry things went so badly and that you had such a horrid time, but you're back now, and that's the main thing.

    *hugs* and *clings*

    Goodness, your wife is going to be a bit puzzled at all the strange ladies clinging on to you like grim death (if you'll excuse the expression). To say nothing of Odin.


  • FormerMember

    Hiya Tim!

    Hurrah, you're Tim again, thank heavens! What you've been through sounds nightmarish & gruesome but I'm so, so glad you've come out theo ther side with your lovely sense of humour intact - battered but unbowed, indeed.

    Us girls(?) have just been having a fascinating chat about KNICKERS so if you want a giggle after visiting time, go to No Doom and Gloon (yes, they can't spell glooM) where that naughty Joycee, egged on by Alley, started it all off.

    See you soon lovely boy,



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim,

    It's great to see you back posting! So sorry the reversal went awry, but you're on the mend and that's the main thing.

    LM wrote a song for you and it obviously has magical properties her being a viking princess.

    Everything is crossed for you to be home by the weekend.

    Good luck and tight lines soon,


    PS Please note - no kisses! We men must stick together.

  • FormerMember


    I'm with Hilary on the hugging and clinging on... if it wasn't for my hole in my belly, I would leap at you and flatten you to the floor with a hug... lucky escape eh?

    (If wendy is reading this, don't worry, we are not allowed out on our own so he's quite safe really... I would watch out for Odin though!!)

    You have made my day saying hello and that you have eaten something and no more tubes etc.

    I am so so sorry about the stoma... its not going to be so much fun being the Dyson 1 and I feel a bit bad that yours didn't work out so well,  not a lot I can say on that front, cos its crap, but I am so so pleased that you are on the mend and that is the important thing eh? And maybe Jan needs the company....

    glad my song worked, for getting  up you up and about and hopefully home by the weekend. 

    I can stop everyone's ear bleeding now by singing.

    Gotta go to the GP, so can't stay and chat, just wanted to say hello and hoorah and so lovely to hear from you and we missed you

    The biggest of tightest of hugs to you Tim, and one for Wendy too!

    A grinning like a loon Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Tim,

    So sorry that the reversal didn't work out, but it's marvellous to read your blog and know that you are on the road to recovery ! So please rest and take it easy.

    Love and a gentle hug, Joycee xxx