Confessions of a West Country Maggot Drowner

  • Fishing, vacuums, hospitals and annniversary plans.



    I don't think I am the only person who 8 weeks post op thinks they are much better than what they really are. Listen to your body the nurses said, trouble is mine only talks to me when it hurt and I've overdone it. Monday this week after my first fishing competition since the op and I was feeling fine except aching back and shoulders, which I had fully expected and took this as a good sign the muscles had been…

  • Just in case you wondered here's a summary..........


    Well I will do my best to do a summary!

    Thursday 22nd March was the day of my ileostomy reversal operation, and what should have been a big step to me getting my "old" way of life back and being part of the Dyson duo. I was slightly taken aback when I was greeted by a registra (who I now call the sorcerers apprentice) who told me he was doing the op not my usual consultant, but it was a simple op so I guess a bit of…



    Hi peeps!

    I am still in hospicle (since 22nd mar) but have made a sudden improvement. Yesterday my belly was better and i had my first food....jelly and a fortisip, and was not sick and so picc line was put on hold.

    Today i have ate proper food and not bin sick and new stoma is working, they are amazed and are now saying about going home before weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is so nice to be able to tell you this free from…

  • A Bad day? Well no, not in the bigger picture.


    Friday was just one of those days!

    The day started well and I completed my last 2 staff appraisals which went very well. Then things started to go a bit off the rails.... I feel at the moment as if I have one arm tied behind my back, a patch over my eye, and the rest of the "tool box" is empty when it comes to doing my job for customers. When I explain the issues to the "powers that be" they say they will fix it (same…

  • A night to remember.


    Four years ago I attended a charity ball organised by one of my mates who was recovering from testicular cancer. Little did I know then that I would be joining him in the cancer club, as in Aug 2010 I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I've written on this site on and off since that time, more so after my operation and have made many friends. So when my mate said he was going to organise another ball and would I like to…