Community News

These news items are generated and published by Macmillan's Online Community Team. In this section you’ll find some posts written by the Online Community team in partnership with our Cancer Information Development team. We also feature personal stories from our members.

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Community updates     Cancer Awareness     Tips, ideas and recipes       

Cancer stories     Supporting someone with cancer    Art, photography and creative writing

Latest Posts

  • The worry of waiting - sharing support on the Online Community

    Living with cancer can often mean living with uncertainty and anxiety. Waiting for test results, can be a particularly worrying time for you and your loved ones. Whether you’re awaiting a cancer diagnosis, a referral or reviewing a cancer treatment plan, the waiting period might feel really difficult. You might find it helps to be able to chat in the Online Community forums.
  • “Don’t be afraid to speak up and say I am struggling”

    Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is so important as it influences the way you feel and cope when living with cancer. Today, one of our fabulous Community Champions Gbear is sharing her personal mental health journey in the hope it will help others who may be going through something similar at the moment.
  • How a cancer diagnosis is communicated – your experiences with online test results

    Online test results are speeding up cancer treatment and diagnosis. Options for how you receive your diagnosis are also improving. Not every option will suit every individual, and patient choice is key. If you received your test results online, or you have experience with receiving a diagnosis outside of the usual face-to-face consultation, we want to hear from you!