Sharing comfort tips with the Community - what's on your wish list?

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Sharing comfort tips with the Community - what's on your wish list?

What would you put on your comfort wish-list if you were to share it today?

You might be looking for something to help with side effects of chemo or other cancer treatment. You could be looking for the best gift to let someone know you’re thinking about them when they’re having a difficult time with cancer. Or perhaps you just need some new ideas when prioritising self-care.

It can be really helpful to be able to share information and ideas.  In this Community News Blog, we're sharing top tips from across the Community and inviting you to share your own. 

Lots of people find it can help to be prepared when you're going for tests or going through cancer treatment. In this recent Community News Blog, we shared members tips and lists about what to pack for your hospital visit or stay. In addition to members sharing hospital packing lists, we also see a lot of questions about comfort gifts for loved ones.

If you're supporting someone with cancer, you might be looking for the perfect comfort items for your loved one.  You might be looking for the perfect gift to let them know you’re thinking about them, or essential items to help with side effects. The Community forums can also be a really helpful place to find information from people who have been through similar tests or cancer treatment.

What's on your wish lists when you need support?

Your loved one might be more in need of practical help than physical gifts. In an earlier Community News Blog about Supporting Friends  shared how help with day to day tasks was as happily received as a lovely basket of hand creams.  

Another member recently started a conversation in the breast cancer forum around what would have helped when they were going through treatment.

Coupons of Kindness

In response to the member's request, we have produced some printable coupons for members to use if they would like to. Thank you very much  for this brilliant idea.

You can download and print the full coupon sheet towards the bottom of this blog.

Ask an Expert

Some members approach Macmillan experts for advice on finding the right gift for a friend with breast cancer. 

Louise offered some ideas.

"Feeling comfortable is important for a lot of people having treatment. People often ask about giving food, drinks, and personal care products to people having treatment.

Practical and comfortable things like eye masks, comfy socks and blankets are suitable for everyone and can be used during treatment and at home. 

Different savoury and sweet snacks can help maintain energy levels and are easy to eat, and non-caffeinated drinks such as juices help people to stay hydrated and ‘flush out’ the chemotherapy. It’s important to note however, that people having chemotherapy need to avoid certain foods such as take away or deli food because the way they are prepared or stored can increase the risk of infection. 

Many people having chemotherapy struggle with altered taste and smell. Some people may be put off by certain foods or scents, even if they enjoyed them before treatment. Altered taste can be relieved by sucking on sugar-free mints or sweets. Chemotherapy can cause dry skin and lips so products like creams and lip balms are a great idea, however perfumed products may cause irritation or nausea so it is best to avoid these.   

In terms of fun things, staying occupied and distracted can really help pass the time and help with mental wellbeing. Something to read, music, films and games are really good ways to do this. 

Our Macmillan website, Cancer Research UK and Little Lifts have a range of gifts and kits that might give some helpful tips on what to get for your friend. Healthline also has some ideas which might help." - Louise, Macmillan Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

Another question was recently posted in 'Ask an Information and Support Advisor'

There are some more helpful ideas in Alex's response.

"I’m sorry to hear your best friend’s about to start chemotherapy for leukaemia, it’s a nice thought to send her something to cheer her up.

You can find some suitable gift ideas at Not Another Bunch of Flowers as well as the Macmillan Online Shop. There are also a lot of good ideas online if you want to Google something like ‘ideas for chemotherapy gifts. " - Alex, Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Advisor

I hope you have found this blog helpful. Have you got a comfort wish-list, hint or tip to share with your forum? 

Have you received or given a thoughtful gift which had a positive effect on wellbeing? Why not let us know in the comments below.

You can also find a copy of the 'Coupons of Kindness' to download below.

Coupons of Kindness .pdf