Chemotherapy support: Tips, discussions, and expert advice

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Chemotherapy support: Tips, discussions, and expert advice

Starting or undergoing chemotherapy can be daunting, and the side effects can be tough to deal with. Whether you're new to treatment or looking for ways to manage its challenges, you're not alone. In this blog, we’ll highlight some of the discussions in our Online Community, hints and tips shared, as well as expert guidance.

Hints and tips from a Community Champion

In 2021, Irishgirl16 (a Community Champion) wrote a popular blog post sharing things she wished she'd known before starting chemotherapy. This blog has helped many Community members over the last 3 years. Her tips cover general preparation, managing sickness, dealing with hair loss, and more. If you’d like to read her full list of helpful suggestions, please click the link below:

Chemo Side Effects - Hints & Tips

Ask A Nurse

Do you have clinical questions about chemotherapy? You can ask a Macmillan Nurse on our Ask a Nurse forum. For example, a Community member recently asked, “During chemotherapy, should a patient be living on their own?”

One of our Macmillan nurses, Lorna, provided helpful guidance:

Chemotherapy drugs are used to treat many different types of cancer and can cause different side effects. It’s important that the person having chemotherapy takes precautions, that will depend on the chemotherapy drugs they are having.

In answer to your question, you do not need to live by yourself while having chemotherapy. You should, however, take steps to protect a weakened immune system. You can still live a normal life and still see family and friends, but keep away from anyone who may be ill to avoid infection.

Some by products from chemotherapy can be excreted from the body (through pee and poo) sometime after treatment which can be harmful to others. This information can help to keep safe at home.”

If you would like to read the full reply, please click here.

Chemotherapy conversations

The Online Community is made up of many different forums. Each forum consists of discussions started by Community members. We have a dedicated Chemotherapy forum where you can discuss your experiences or questions about chemotherapy with members who may have different diagnoses from yours.

Recent discussions include topics such as swimming while on chemo, picc lines, and travelling on Capecitabine.

Share your experiences

We hope these insights and tips help you feel more prepared and supported as you navigate chemotherapy. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Our Online Community is here to offer advice, share experiences, and provide a listening ear whenever you need it.

If you have your own tips or experiences you'd like to share, we invite you to leave a comment below. You can also start a new discussion in one of our forums to connect with others who understand what you're going through.
