Picc line

  • 4 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hello . Can anyone tell me about their experience of a picc line. I’m having mine fitted on Monday and am a little nervous.

Thank you 

  • Hello  . I had a PICC line in for several months and didn't have a problem with it. Insertion doesn't take long and is painless. Usually in the crook of your arm and you shouldn't feel a thing. You may need to go for a quick chest x-ray to check it is in the right place. When not in use it is covered with a dressing and after a time you tend to forget about it. You can get fancy covers off the internet to keep it covered if you wish. I had a roll of elastic bandage which I cut a fresh piece of each day to keep it clean. You cannot get it wet and again you can buy waterproof coverings for bathing. Being a cheapskate, I made do with clingfilm. As long as you don't do anything too strenuous you can carry on daily life as normal. It does need to be flushed out once a week. I had mine done by the practice nurse at my local surgery. The benefit is it does away with all the needles for bloods etc. I hope it goes well . Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi, don't worry I had mine for six months. They give you a local anesthetic so you don't feel it being inserted. There are several different dressings and plasters to cover and protect it and your arm, which the nurses will change and re-dress it every week. It's so convenient for blood tests and chemo. You will need to get a "limbo" arm (Amazon) to wear in the shower. I didn't feel it at all during the six months. Don't lift anything heavy with that arm. Hope this helps. 

  • Thank you rily, that was very helpful.

  • Thank you for the helpful feedback KJD