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During chemotherapy, should a patient be living on their own ? 

  • Hi, Tupence,

    Thank you for getting in touch, and welcome to the online community. I’m Lorna one of the cancer information nurse specialists on the support line.

    Chemotherapy drugs are used to treat many different types of cancer and can cause different side effects. It’s important that the person having chemotherapy takes precautions, that will depend on the chemotherapy drugs they are having.

    In answer to your question, you do not need to live by yourself while having chemotherapy. You should, however, take steps to protect a weakened immune system. You can still live a normal life and still see family and friends, but keep away from anyone who may be ill to avoid infection.

    Some by products from chemotherapy can be excreted from the body (through pee and poo) sometime after treatment which can be harmful to others. This information can help to keep safe at home.

    I hope this helps. You don’t mention what type of cancer the chemotherapy is treating, it’s therefore difficult to give any further information. You can speak to the chemotherapy nurses who will be able to offer individual advice or, it might help to speak to one of our nurses directly on the support line.

    Please don’t hesitate to get back in touch if you need any further support

    Best wishes.

    Lorna – Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    Please feel free to give us a call on our helpline, 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or email us if you would like to discuss further.

    Ref: LB/KG

    Lorna-Macmillan (Cancer Information Nurse Specialist)