Christine R's blog

  • Sorry, but I feel I have no choice but to leave!


    Hi Guys, just wanted to let you all know I have decided to leave this site.

    I feel Graeme has been unjustly attacked by a lot of people. His comments were never aimed at anyone in particular and yet, a lot of people seemed to take his comments personally. Graeme has been a very supportive member of this site as far back as I can remember and he would never, knowingly hurt anyone.

    He WAS banned by admin. I have seen…

  • Appointment Delayed


    Does anyone know the government guidelines on timescales for being seen at outpatient clinics?

    The reason I ask is that I was due to have my annual appointment at the breast clinic in October. My last appointment was in September 2009. I have received a letter delaying my appt until January 2011.  I phoned the consultant's secretary and asked her to fit me in sooner as it will be 16 months since I was last seen and she…

  • Opinions Please!


    Hi All, I would like your opinions on this subject to help me gauge whether I am making a big deal of things or not.

    My aunt, who I have to admit, I totally dislike after she spread a lot of lies about me at my dad's funeral in April and caused me an awful lot of distress, recently told my mum that her son had been diagnosed with kidney cancer at the age of 31. Naturally, my mum, who is her sister and the rest of the…

  • A Bit of Good News!


    Hi everybody, just wanted to share my good news with you all.

    My daughter gave birth to a gorgeous wee boy this morning. She lost her wee girl last February and was treated for pre-cancerous cells on her cervix.

    My dad passed away in April this year 8 weeks after being diagnosed with bowel cancer, so I think we are due a bit of good news.

    The wee one was three weeks early and weighed 6lbs 4oz. He is absolutely perfect…

  • A Letter To Cancer


    Hi All, I recently posted a poem by Linda Ellis called The Dash, which I absolutely love.

    She wrote this poem when her father was dying from cancer. This something I can relate to, and also can others.


    I have tried to teach my children                                                                                              not to detest, insult, berate                                                                                                       but I cannot follow my own advice                                                                                    when I am so filled with hate.

    You are slowly stealing my father                                                                                      and though some would say this is God's will                                                               those…