Christine R's blog

  • Ovarian Ultrasound


    Just a quick update for those who know that I was having an ultrasound of my ovaries yesterday. Apparently nothing showed up on my ovaries or womb, so all well there. Still having pain, but will go back to GP and see if we can have it investigated further. Could be bowel problems, only time will tell.

    I am mightily relieved as it was preying on my mind (as it does!).

    A wee celebration was had lol.

    Christine xx


  • Ca125 Blood Test


    Well peeps, after my visit to the breast clinic last Friday where I was refused a Ca125 blood test by the sister at the clinic because I have lymphoedema in both arms, I had a visit at the GP's. When I mentioned that I would need blood taken from my foot, she groaned. I asked her why I got that reaction all the time, what the problem was. She explained that it is difficult to take blood from the foot as it comes out really…

  • Strange day!


    What a day I had at the hospital today. Firstly, I should have been seen last October which was a year since I had been seen last. This appt was cancelled until 26 January this year. I phoned and asked to be fitted in as it would be15 months since I had been seen and was told by the surgeon's secretary that the management had ordered that no-one be fitted in. Then the appt was cancelled again, this time till 9th February…

  • Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!


    It is seven months today since my dad passed away from bowel cancer only eight weeks after diagnosis.

    Today, I went back to the day surgery unit I first took dad to, with my mum who was having an endoscopy to determine why she is always vomiting, has lost her appetite and has lost a lot of weight. She was told by the doctor the cause of the vomiting is something to do with bile and nothing to worry about and is easily…

  • Hello, me again!


    Hello again everybody. Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has sent me messages privately and  on site.

    I have had time to consider my decision to leave and think I might have been a bit hasty, so have contacted admin asking them to leave my account open.

    Will see you all around. Hope everyone is as well as can be.

    Christine xx