Strange day!

4 minute read time.

What a day I had at the hospital today. Firstly, I should have been seen last October which was a year since I had been seen last. This appt was cancelled until 26 January this year. I phoned and asked to be fitted in as it would be15 months since I had been seen and was told by the surgeon's secretary that the management had ordered that no-one be fitted in. Then the appt was cancelled again, this time till 9th February. I had misplaced my appt card so phoned on Tuesday to enquire about the time for the appt and was told that I had been put back again till 11th (today). Would have been nice to be told. When I arrived at the clinic I was redirected to another Outpatients waiting room. This had been changed without notice too. The receptionist there didn't have me on her computer.

When I was called in by the nurse she said, "Do you have a wee problem with your breast?" I looked at her questioningly. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and was there for a check-up. When I explained this she said, "Oh, you're at the general surgery clinic"?????????

I entered the examination room where the consultant was sitting at his desk talking into his dictaphone. I was directed behind a curtain to undress and lie on the bed. After a while the consultant called out to me, "Are you alright Christine?" "Yes, I'm fine thanks" I replied. Then he asked me how long it was since diagnosis etc. Now, all this conversation was taking place while he was sat at his desk and I was lying on a bed behind a curtain. Eventually he came over and did a perfunctory examination of my breasts and told me that he would order a mammogram which was to be my last and next year after my check-up I was to be discharged. All good and well. I then told him I had been having pain in one of my ovaries and he said my GP had to refer me to they gynaecology dept, but he would check my Ca125 level and do a full blood count. When I left to have the blood test done I told the nurse I have bi-lateral lymphoedema (in both arms). She looked shocked and went to fetch the sister.

Now, having lymphoedema I cannot have injections, blood pressure tests or bloods taken from my arms. I was told at the clinic I would have to have it taken from my foot or leg in future. I explained this to the sister who had a face like thunder. Her reply was, "Well I'm not taking blood from your foot, I wouldn't even do it for a junkie". What that had to do with the price of fish, I'll never know. I stood my ground and said, "Well, I'm not willing to take the risk of you piercing my arm", so it became a bit of a stalemate. Eventually she left saying she was going to speak to the doctor. She returned with the form for the blood test and practically threw it at me and said, "Just go back to your lymphoedema clinic and ask them how you have to blood taken". I was really stunned by all this. I felt as if I had done something wrong. Lucky I stood my ground, but I know a lot of people would be intimidated by this attitude and given in. I think it is shocking that they were unprepared to take blood from any other area than the arm. It's a hospital for goodness sake!

I went to reception to make my appointment for 12 months time and noticed that the name on my blood forms was someone else's. I pointed this out to the receptionist who was quite shocked and she left to see the doctor with it. Then cheery chops reappeared with my form and asked in an annoyed tone, did I used to be known by a different name (I re-married 14 months ago). I replied yes, but it was someone else's name on the form. She replied, yes I know and left.

The other thing I found strange was that the doctor asked me if I was contacted by the breast screening programme. I replied, No and he went on to say, "You will be, they are given to women over 50". I am only 45, but didn't bother pointing this out.

I have to say all of this put a dampener on what should have been a good day as I am still cancer free. Aw well, we can't have it all I guess.

Sorry for such a long post, there was actually more, so I had to condense it.

Best wishes to everyone for a good weekend.

Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh good lord, how rubbish!  They've probably written up your notes on someone else's file as well by now!

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Funny you should say that, when I was sitting at the desk with the doc while he wrote out the form he had 'my' notes lying open and before I left he closed the cover over, but, before he did I noticed a letter with oophrectomy written on it, not something I've had done. I just assumed it was someone else's notes, but now that you mention it, why were someone else's notes lying open while he was dealing with me. The mind boggles.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    OMG - that definitely sounds like they've got you muddled with someone else, a scarey thought.  I would check with your GP if I were you and the GP should receive a report of your appointment.  Could you perhaps get him to contact the hospital and get another appointment sorted.

  • FormerMember

    I echo what everyone else has said..... Phew what a farce..... I want to give that nurse a smack myself!... I realise how lucky I am with the nurses and doctors I have, smiley faces all round, but if I had one like her I would de finitely say something to her cheeky Be atch

    Good luck

    LIZ xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I will check with my GP and report what has happened.

    Luckily, I did give her back what she gave me Liz without actually being cheeky, but I think she knew she had met her match! I just feel for people who don't have the nerve to stand up to these people.

    Hope you are all well guys.

    Christine xx