Severe Pain

2 minute read time.

Tonight I am in severe pain all over my body. It's pain like you get with flu. Severe, sharp pain shooting throughout my body. I also suffer from sharp pins and needles like pain in my fingers and soles of my feet which I know is peripheral neuropathy.

It all started when I had chemo 7 years ago. I spoke to a doctor about it who said that it sounded like nerve damage caused by chemo and if it continued when chemo was finished they would try to treat it. I then spoke to the Macmillan nurse about it who told me that the type of chemo I got didn't cause nerve damage. Then the surgeon told me everybody reacts differently to chemo, so it could well be caused by the drugs.

Standard painkillers don't touch the pain. I can't take codeine or anything morphine based as the itching drives me crazy. Sometimes I feel that is worse than the pain.

I was given low dose Amytryptaline (an anti-depressant) with no success. Anti-convulsant meds left me unable to keep my eyes open for any length of time. So, where does this leave me?

I consulted a homeopath who gave me a small white pill. I think it contained minute amounts of poison ivy and it worked wonders. Pain disappeared, so I discontinued this.

Tonight I'm suffering for the first time in ages. Usually I find if I develop a cold or other type of infection the pain does return, but I've been relatively well lately.

The only thing I can think of is that I have recently stopped taking my anti-depressants as I no longer need them. I did notice a difference when I was taking them.

I suffer from severe stiffness and pain and my bones click badly when I move. I suffer from M.E. and asked my GP last year if my symptoms could be due to Fibromyalgia, but she said it sounded more like Polymyalgia. I found the anti-depressants helped with this pain, but now that I have stopped them the pain is back. Sometimes I even have difficulty cleaning myself after I've been to the toilet I am so stiff and sore. I really don't want to take the anti-depressants for ever either as they leave me tired too. I was sleeping up to 16 hours a day recently and realised that these were the cause.

So, looks like I'm back to square one. Unfortunately I know that the pain will affect me to the point where I get depressed and am forced to take co-codamol or some such then I'm scratching till I bleed. Ah, the joys!

I do still have some of the homeopathic remedy, so will give that a go.

The other thing I have developed recently is severe shoulder pain and pain at the joint of one of my thumbs. Oh, I really am falling to bits slowly, but surely. 

Sorry to be a moaning minnie tonight, just pee'd off being in pain all day. Still, there's always tomorrow.

Christine xx

  • I suffer from back pain and have had all manner of treatments, pills and potions! I too was prescribed Amatryptaline (sic) . I wasn't keen but took them despite 'hangover' in the morning side-effects! Long story short - I found that Amatyrptaline was the absolutely best treatment. I have managed to cut down on the morphine-based painkillers to the absolute minimum. I understand your reluctance to that this antidepressant but, hey, if it works, why not?

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate, I did try it, but it didn't do me any good.

    Hopefully the pain will ease off tomorrow again. I don't tend to get it as frequently as I used to, thank goodness. Just felt like having a wee moan tonight because it is so severe lol.

    Thanks Kate.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    I empathise - I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 2 years ago.

    I hope the homoeopathic remedies work, perhaps you need to take those on a more regular basis?

    I hope ANYTHING  works!!!!

    Much Love and healing hugs

    Ems xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Ems, the remedy does work, so I will take some tonight and more in the morning if needed.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    Hope the pain will have eased a lot tomorrow. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx