Christine R

  • The BICH is back!


    No, it's not a spelling error. BICH stands for Benign IntraCranial Hypertension. It's a condition that I suffer from where the pressure of the Cerebro-Spinal fluid builds up and causes pressure on my brain. This results in severe headaches, dizziness, nausea (sometimes vomiting) and extreme tiredness.

    The only treatment for this is lumbar puncture to relieve the pressure. Apparently there are diuretics available…

  • Severe Pain


    Tonight I am in severe pain all over my body. It's pain like you get with flu. Severe, sharp pain shooting throughout my body. I also suffer from sharp pins and needles like pain in my fingers and soles of my feet which I know is peripheral neuropathy.

    It all started when I had chemo 7 years ago. I spoke to a doctor about it who said that it sounded like nerve damage caused by chemo and if it continued when chemo…

  • linda4u


    Please be aware everyone that linda4u is a scammer. I see some people are still adding 'her' as a friend.

    This person has been banned since May, but somehow is still able to come on site and request friends. Don't understand how this can happen!

    It is always advisable when you receive a friend request to check their bio. Usually if they are scammers it will say edited by admin on their page.

  • A wee smile lol ;0)


    Just thought I'd share something with you that I heard today while in the waiting room of the dental hospital.

    A nurse walked along the corridor past the reception desk and said loudly to the girls there, "I should wear one of those speedometer things that measures how many footsteps you take in a day!" 

    I had a quick peek to see if anyone else noticed what she had said, but, all sat stoney faced, so either…

  • My mum


    Today I was at the Dental hospital with my mum.

    She has been complaining of a having a really sore mouth for a while now. She phoned the doctor's surgery who advised her to let the pharmacist have a look which she did. The pharmacist prescribed bonjela for ulcers, but she has a sore on her cheek which she thought perhaps her dentures was causing.

    Eventually she went to her dentist who told her she wasn't happy with…