Severe Pain

2 minute read time.

Tonight I am in severe pain all over my body. It's pain like you get with flu. Severe, sharp pain shooting throughout my body. I also suffer from sharp pins and needles like pain in my fingers and soles of my feet which I know is peripheral neuropathy.

It all started when I had chemo 7 years ago. I spoke to a doctor about it who said that it sounded like nerve damage caused by chemo and if it continued when chemo was finished they would try to treat it. I then spoke to the Macmillan nurse about it who told me that the type of chemo I got didn't cause nerve damage. Then the surgeon told me everybody reacts differently to chemo, so it could well be caused by the drugs.

Standard painkillers don't touch the pain. I can't take codeine or anything morphine based as the itching drives me crazy. Sometimes I feel that is worse than the pain.

I was given low dose Amytryptaline (an anti-depressant) with no success. Anti-convulsant meds left me unable to keep my eyes open for any length of time. So, where does this leave me?

I consulted a homeopath who gave me a small white pill. I think it contained minute amounts of poison ivy and it worked wonders. Pain disappeared, so I discontinued this.

Tonight I'm suffering for the first time in ages. Usually I find if I develop a cold or other type of infection the pain does return, but I've been relatively well lately.

The only thing I can think of is that I have recently stopped taking my anti-depressants as I no longer need them. I did notice a difference when I was taking them.

I suffer from severe stiffness and pain and my bones click badly when I move. I suffer from M.E. and asked my GP last year if my symptoms could be due to Fibromyalgia, but she said it sounded more like Polymyalgia. I found the anti-depressants helped with this pain, but now that I have stopped them the pain is back. Sometimes I even have difficulty cleaning myself after I've been to the toilet I am so stiff and sore. I really don't want to take the anti-depressants for ever either as they leave me tired too. I was sleeping up to 16 hours a day recently and realised that these were the cause.

So, looks like I'm back to square one. Unfortunately I know that the pain will affect me to the point where I get depressed and am forced to take co-codamol or some such then I'm scratching till I bleed. Ah, the joys!

I do still have some of the homeopathic remedy, so will give that a go.

The other thing I have developed recently is severe shoulder pain and pain at the joint of one of my thumbs. Oh, I really am falling to bits slowly, but surely. 

Sorry to be a moaning minnie tonight, just pee'd off being in pain all day. Still, there's always tomorrow.

Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry your feeling so rough Christine.  Sounds miserable having to cope with all of that.  Some anti-depressants can have an effect on the nerves if they're stopped suddently or too quickly, especially if you've been on them for a while, but it shouldn't be painful.

    If I were you I'd check with the GP to see if they can help.  In the meantime, I hope something amongst all your pills and potions brings relief!

    Hope today is a better day for you.

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Christine... ouch... hope you are in less pain today and wish i could make it go away for you... Sending you the biggest gentlest (so it doesn't hurt) hug and wow how you manage to think let alone be so kind to everyone on here... you are an amazing lady..

    Vodka? hmm a bit early maybe... here's one for later...

    Lots of love

    Little My xxx

    ps keep taking the homeopathy again...

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone. Pleased to report that today I am totally pain free. The homeopathic remedy did the trick.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so glad!  Pain is one of the worst possible things to have to cope with.  Hope your feeling more like yourself?

    Love, Ann x