My mum

Less than one minute read time.

Today I was at the Dental hospital with my mum.

She has been complaining of a having a really sore mouth for a while now. She phoned the doctor's surgery who advised her to let the pharmacist have a look which she did. The pharmacist prescribed bonjela for ulcers, but she has a sore on her cheek which she thought perhaps her dentures was causing.

Eventually she went to her dentist who told her she wasn't happy with the growth on her cheek. A week later the growth had increased in size. An urgent referral was made to the dental hospital.

A biopsy was done today. Saw two different consultants who both said they don't know what it is, but it does feel lumpy. Not sure what that means , if anything!

We will get the results in two weeks. Keeping everything crossed that it is only caused by her dentures rubbing.

She smokes about 40 cigs a day, if not more, and has been drinking every day since dad died last year, so isn't doing herself any favours.

Will keep you posted when the results come in.

Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine..."fingers crossed"it will be the dentures...thinking of you, please let us know how your Mum gets on..

    Love Ann xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope it's ''only'' an abscess of some sort. Fingers and toes crossed and sending lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    My thoughts are with you and your Mum tonight. Hope the results come back clear.

    Look after eachother


    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope all go's well for your mum and as you hope it is just her dentures rubbing.

    When I lost my husband 5 years ago I drank alot for at least 2 years until I felt better then I came to my senses and gradually cut it down.

    I had gotten to 2 and half bottles of wine a day, very frightening.

    I hope that this scare helps your mum to realise what she is doing.

    It is very hard when you lose your partner, your life is taken away from you too. It takes a very long time to put any kind of order and sense to your life again.

    I truly hope all go's well for your mum and that she can find a way through her pain of losing your dad without having to rely on her props.

    Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine

    I had a similar problem about 4 years ago, a lump in my mouth that was getting bigger.  I went to Edinburgh Dental Hospital for my biopsy and I can remember it was around Christmas time and waiting on the results really put a damper on my festive feelings!  

    The good news is the biopsy was clear, and the damned thing just settled down on it's own (to be fair they pretty much removed all of it when they did the biopsy), and we still don't know what it was, or what caused it to come up in the first place (don't have dentures and it was under my tongue - no comments please about friction!).

    Hope your Mum has the same positive result!

    Love, Ann x