Chondrosarcoma of the Rib - a journey

  • Some of the little but worst things

    I'll add to this list as I think of them but the treatment and operation are only one bit - there were small things that sometimes could just make me low; disproportionately it seemed, but often because the small thing was the last straw.  H...
  • Items I found useful post-op

    Things that helped during the op and afterwards: 1. Pyjama tops and day time tops which button at the front like a shirt - after the op, I couldn't lift my arms without pain, so pulling a top over my head was no good. 2. A recliner for the bed.&n...
  • Fluid build up - Seroma

    About I'd arrived home we had noticed some fluid build up along the scar and up into the space where the sternum was.   I had my 4 week post-op video call with the surgeon and had mentioned that it seemed to be getting quite full. ...
  • Recovery at home

    When I got home, I had the support of my partner and my Mum who could manage all the support needs between them and the help of someone else doing the cooking and sitting with me was definitely a help, although there are always going to be some frict...
  • The Operation and hospital stay

    because of the location of my tumour (towards the bottom of my sternum, in the cartilage where the rib joins the sternum) the op took out: the front of three ribs and half the sternum itself.  The op took about 3.5-4 hours and I was given a spin...