Some of the little but worst things

2 minute read time.

I'll add to this list as I think of them but the treatment and operation are only one bit - there were small things that sometimes could just make me low; disproportionately it seemed, but often because the small thing was the last straw.  Here are some:

1 "Just a small scratch" - something they always say while taking bloods/ putting in canulas etc..  IT'S NOT!  When it's time after time or week after week, it just hurts; there's no ' small scratch' about it.  And if you have reticent veins like mine, that one try for bloods turns into multiple holes in your elbow, then wrist, then hand...

2.  Hospital wifi - While I'm in, I just want to browse online / send an email etc.. it's not hard.  When you already feel disconnected from normal life, these just makes it all worse.

3.  Rescheduling.  I had a procedure rescheduled several times waiting for histology.  After the first time they told me it was moved, every time I went in, I would be hoping it would happen, then I'd have a weep in the hospital toilets when they told me it wasn't.

4.   Weeping in the hospital toilets.

5.   Being allergic to hospital dressings.  I didn't used to be, but after some surgery a couple of years back, I developed an allergy to any dressing (even the little tape pieces they use when they put some gauze over where they've needled.  Over the period of 4 weeks of wearing the drain with the dressing inside, I had a huge dressing on my chest, under which my skin would redden and blister.  When the dressing was removed, the blisters would pop but another dressing needed to be put back on. And the itching - oh my goodness - it affected sleep it was so bad.  My skin is still healing from the damage.  Note: Two things helped- the liquid skin spray before putting the dressing on and antihistamines.  Neither fixed it but they reduced it slightly.

6.  Sod's Law.  The fact that the drain would be fine for days, but would fail as soon as anything was booked.  Or there would be a dressing issue etc.. etc...  At 0830hrs this morning I was supposed to be on a train for a conference, instead I was on the ward...  It's easy to think - "well I won't plan anything rigid and I'll take it day by day" but in reality life has to go on and when this is affecting you for weeks and weeks, it's not easy to take it easy.
