Chemo progress

  • Day 4 - 19th July


    Well Day 4 came and went without any side effects at all!  I can't believe my luck!  Taken all the tablets as prescribed, including the optional anti sickness ones which I was told I could take if I needed them.  I've taken them as a matter of course and haven't felt anything. I hope it lasts.
    In readiness for the hair loss, I had my fitting for a wig yesterday at the hospital. A lovely lady from a wig specialist…

  • Day 3 - 18 July


    Have I been dating my blogs August instead of July? - well perhaps it's 'Chemo Brain' I have and didn't realise!

    Anyway it's definitely July!

    Day 3 and still no side effects.  Trimmed my hair this morning so it's not so long ready for the wig fitting tomorrow.

    I've eaten regular breakfast again and fancied some rice pudding for lunch (of all things!)  Do these chemo drugs give you food cravings…

  • Day 2 - 17th August


    Well as no nausea or sickness yesterday, I woke this morning expecting something to happen.

    I was wide awake at 5am having slept reasonably from around 11.30pm so maybe the drugs have woken me earlier than usual, or maybe it's just my sub conscious or curiosity waking me?

    Anyway, took the tablets (anti-sickness and steroid as instructed) and ate breakfast as usual.  Still nothing.

    Felt great so did some ironing…

  • Day 1 - 16th August


    Chemo administered by lovely nurse called Alison.  She explained everything to me every step of the way.

    Went home a couple of hours later armed with various tablets to take to prevent sickness and I vowed to follow her instructions to the letter.

    Felt great on way home, so called at local supermarket to collect some little essentials along with some little treats in case I felt OK!