Day 2 - 17th August

Less than one minute read time.

Well as no nausea or sickness yesterday, I woke this morning expecting something to happen.

I was wide awake at 5am having slept reasonably from around 11.30pm so maybe the drugs have woken me earlier than usual, or maybe it's just my sub conscious or curiosity waking me?

Anyway, took the tablets (anti-sickness and steroid as instructed) and ate breakfast as usual.  Still nothing.

Felt great so did some ironing and light housework, time for lunch, still OK, so helped myself to roast beef sandwich.

My lovely cousin called to see if I was up to visitors, and when I said yes, she was there within the hour armed with cream cakes and a bottle of wine (for later!).  Tea and cakes and a girly chat - fabulous, and still no side effects!

Husband home for dinner so cooked some fine fillet steak and salad, he had wine but I thought better of it (just in case!)

Still OK - slept fine and woke at around 7am - still no side effects!

I'm loving this - but wondering when it's going to hit me. 
