Chemo/Radio With Cysplatin 3 weekly. For Womb cancer.

  • Day 3

    So yesterday I felt good.  Took all the drugs and then walked the dogs, pottered at home. A small rest and lunch before heading into hospital.  Then I went on my 'Demistifying Chemo ' course in the McMillan centre.  It was real...
  • Day 2

    Get up and walk dogs -  slept ok - not as well as normal but not bad. Have a breakfast (banana and 1 slice of toast). Take tablets. No nausea but feel tired and a bit shaky. Morning nap of a few hours. Definitely couldn't have achieved much ...
  • Day 1

    Go into hospital for 8am. Lot of questions and then wait. Apparently waiting for drugs to arrive. Drugs arrive about to start - but the cysplatin is 70mg and the doctors prescription says 86mg. Queue a 2 hour wait while they sort paperwork.  1 h...