Chemo/Radio With Cysplatin 3 weekly. For Womb cancer.

  • Day 8

    A tired day.  Walked the dogs , pottered a bit including a few email bits. Then slept- well took a while to nod off. I couldn't get warm. My temperature was ok. But I felt cold. So wrapped up in dressing gowns and managed to sleep. Woke feel...
  • Day 7

    Started well, felt the best I have so far. Walked dogs, ate breakfast (eggs on toast) and tidied up. Went for outdoors coffee with friends which was nice and a good chat .  A fuzzy headache started and unfortunately wouldn't shift for the re...
  • Day 6

    Another good nights sleep so feeling better again today. Walked the dogs (twice) and did some light cleaning. Gave my daughter a lift.  Cooked tea. Watered the garden. So functioning but not at full pelt. Some nausea so took a tablet in the morn...
  • Day 5

    A good nights sleep last night thank goodness. Nausea still there, still taking tablets. Managing to eat . Pooing every day - feels less bunged up now. Shaky and wobbly feeling. And my throat at times feels tight - this could be panic attacks kind of...
  • Day 4

    No steroids. And an awful nights sleep - hot / cold / hot  cold. Only 3 hours sleep according to fitbit. So nausea was still there- kept taking the Metoclopramide. Nausea was always there but I could eat. I will ask for stronger anti nausea for ...