Day 1

Less than one minute read time.

Go into hospital for 8am.

Lot of questions and then wait. Apparently waiting for drugs to arrive.

Drugs arrive about to start - but the cysplatin is 70mg and the doctors prescription says 86mg. Queue a 2 hour wait while they sort paperwork. 

1 hour of water infusion stuff, 2 hours or drug and 1 hour of more water stuff.

12 visits to loo to wee. Definitely no chance to nap!

Finished in there at 215.

Go to radio - scan bladder (not full enough yet) wait 15 minutes - scan again. All good to go. Zapping takes about 25 minutes, Apart from tingly pubes at the front nothing.

I feel well and I come home.

430 feel a bit tired, groggy and nausea begins. Go to bed. It gets a bit worse. Take 1x metroclpramide. By 530 feeling grotty but nausea gone. 

Have a chat with daughters and eat a banana and a slice of bread and go to bed. Can't sleep but rest. 
