Day 5

Less than one minute read time.

A good nights sleep last night thank goodness.

Nausea still there, still taking tablets. Managing to eat . Pooing every day - feels less bunged up now.

Shaky and wobbly feeling. And my throat at times feels tight - this could be panic attacks kind of things ? and it's a bit red. I have to drink water to make it go and do some self calming to remind myself I can breathe and then it passes. When I called the nurse on Thursday about it she told me it's normal to feel these weird feelings.

Went out with a friend for short dog walk (my lively dog loves her dog) followed by lunch. Lunch was yummy but embarrassingly I could only eat 1/4 of it-  it's just hard to eat to much. 

I do feel better after I eat and worse when I don't. Marmite sandwiches are my best friend right now. 

Some tingling on the top of both hands, some tingling on the top of my head at the front of my hair.

Onto seris 2 of Bridgerton now. 
