chat room

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I joined the chat room 3 weeks ago. I am a carer looking after my Dad who now has a prognosis of 4 weeks. Without the friends in chat, i dont know how i would have coped. I feel, lately, by the comments of another blog that carers are not welcome. I am sad about this and would value your views? sue xxx

  • FormerMember

    It's not a view shared by the room Sue xx Everyone is welcome in chat and we all want to support and help each other whatever reason we are here xx Sorry about your Dad's prognosis and be sure we are all here for you x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    I just met you tonight, I am an ex-carer and you are a carer, and we both felt support from each other - i think that answers the question.  The chat room is for Everyone who is Affected by cancer, patient, carer,ex-carer, family, friends, we are all here for each other - no-one should ever feel as though they don't belong.  This is a site for support after all.


    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm another carer and found somewhere I can chat of an evening when my wife is asleep. It helps with the loneliness and gets things off my chest now and again. Found some lovely people in Chat and owe them lots ... see you around Sue x


  • FormerMember

    Hello Sue,

      My name is Ali and I am a patient with leukaemia. I am so, so sorry that you have felt this way. This site and the Chat room is for anyone who is affected by cancer - in whatever way.

       My husband and I are both nurses, and have over 50 years of nursing between us, apart from the personal cancer related bereavements we have had, and now my own diagnosis. I feel very strongly that this whole process is harder for the carer than for the patient in many ways. I can take whatever I have to on my own account, and put up with whatever comes. It is dreadfully hard for my husband to watch this process, and leaves him and my other family feeling unbelieveably helpless and frustrated.

     Please keep up with the Chat. I havent been on there much myself recently, but am usually a bit of a regular. Other things have distracted me for a few weeks, but I am re-focussing now. I hope to 'see' you there,

    All love,

    Ali xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Sue I am a retired carer , and used to go on the chat rooms a lot when little sis was loosing her battle with breast cancer, and found so much support from everyone, and can remember dear bob explaining it to me from a patient point of view, I still go on not anywhere near as much, and apart from one scammer have never felt I should not be there, always made to feel most welcome, and have made some great friends.. in the past and now. Just keep trying and you will find it a help, people can be a little nervous as the scammers are around, and with a good friend to all loosing his battle the site is a very sad, but people will help no matter what..xx Do understand a bit where you are coming from as when people are talking about their battle I feel I should not be there, but that is me not them xx