chat room

  • To the chat room peeps


    Hi to ALL my friends I have made in the chat room, to name but a few...mal, poot, kel, ruthie, dawn, rosie, jad, wad,sol,pj and LOADS more.

    Thankyou for supporting me throuh Dads illness. It was such a great support.

    If anyone is reading this who doesnt go in the chat room....try it!! Its brilliant and EVERYONE is so so lovely.


    Thanks again

    Sueeeeeee xxxx

  • my dad


    To all my friends on let you know my dear dad passed away at 5am today, may you rest in peace dad xxxx

  • chat room



    I joined the chat room 3 weeks ago. I am a carer looking after my Dad who now has a prognosis of 4 weeks. Without the friends in chat, i dont know how i would have coped. I feel, lately, by the comments of another blog that carers are not welcome. I am sad about this and would value your views? sue xxx