carolbx2's blog

  • Why do flies

    Can some clever person please explain to me how flies manage to negotiate a way into my house from the lean too to the front room, but can't find their way back out? And why when they bounce off my mirror or the window - don't they get concussion. If I whacked my head on a window like that I'd have a headache!. Oh well it keeps Poppy entertained. OK this is not todays blog, that will come later - but just on tinternet…
  • Ramblings of a mad DIYer

    Well anyone who is following this will know that I was going to do all those little DIY jobs, the first of which was to add another few rows of tiles around the bath because the water pressure on my shower is so fierce it bounces half way up the wall. Monday morning and the sun is shining, not just a little but a lot - now you can't stay in doors on a nice day - so the tiling gets "posponed"!! I spent the day in the…
  • Best laid plans - ramblings ;o)

    See once you start blogging, you can't stop its addictive!! Got some brilliant advice on here re cording, you'll know it if you've got it... and some creative advice too ;o)))))). As some my know I rehomed a little Westie called Poppy, following the sudden death of my previous dog Whiskey; Whisk and I used to do agility. So I thought Pop might enjoy it too and she does - well she likes the food reward she gets. I…
  • Oh no - cording!

    Hi all Well this was supposed to be an update, infact everytime I come onto the site I mean to do and "update" - then I get reading the blogs, Debs P, Drew and Andrew to name a few and thats an hour or so gone, thats without going into chat. Quick update, chemo finished - whooopde doooooo including 2 celebrations, one of the pink fizzy and chocolate variety courtessy of Denning and one involving an all day chinese…
  • The Emu - joke

    An Aussie trucker walks into an outback cafe' with a full-grown emu behind him. The waitress asks them for their orders. The trucker says, 'A hamburger, chips and a coke,' and turns to the emu, 'What's yours?' 'I'll have the same,' says the emu. A short time later the waitress returns with the order 'That will be $9.40 please,' and he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact change for payment. The next…