Carboplatinum Diary starting 22 Sep 2013 / 20 Oct 2013

  • After 24 hours


    I slept ok last night maybe not the whole 6-7 hours but did sleep.

    It is going well for me for  the time being. if i feel a bit sick i pop in a few ginger cubes w/o sugar and it stops the feelings. i am taking besides my usual meds all my natural supplements. added pomegranates and turmeric with piperine and bio-25 too. all to help the body cop with the chemo. i am eating well light stuff, nothing heavy like rice or potatoes…

  • After over 12 hours - 23:30


    i feel great

    trying to doze off. my tummy hurts a bit,

    i have taken ginger in tea and dry ginger helps the tummy to calm down a bit

    didnt eat heavy, drank plenty of water.

    had tablets pomegranate extraxt, curcuma extract, and bio-25 probiotics

    i think my good feeling right now are due to high moral and the intake of foods and meds.

    i have a bad taste in my mouth during the day,  but it is tolerable.

  • Day 1 10:00

    Good morning Got to the hospital at 0800. Did a blood test, blood count. Everything fine. I forgot the meds at home so I had to drive back home to get them. No worries live only 10 minutes away. Took the first tablet called Emend. 10:00 Plugged into the first bag, and then the treatment itself, and last but not least the third bag that had i.v meds instead of me taking tablets (Setron , Dexamethazon) Setron has got…